Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Assignment 3

Title: Impact of Human Waste Poster Presentation

Grade level: 4

Brief description of activity:
Students will go to the website:
Once there, they will click on the ‘Waste and Our World’ heading. They will open that page and watch three videos:

  1. 'Waste From Human Activity – Pollution From Human Activity – Result From Human Activity(Recycling: It’s Everybody’s Job)'

  2. 'Methods of Disposal-Disposing of Trash'

  3. 'Recycling Trash'

Next, students will visit:
and: where they will follow the directions and complete the exercises.
Finally, in groups, the students will create a poster to present to the class on one of the following topics (each group will recieve a different topic):

  • Identify and classify the different types of waste that are created by humans

  • How different types of waste are recycled and what those products are turned into

  • The variety of ways humans dispose of their trash and the impact of those methods

  • Activities we can do at home to recycle products

  • The advantages and disadvantages of various types of packing in the home and in the environment

Recognize that human activity can lead to the production of wastes, and identify alternatives for the responsible use and disposal of materials.

2. Identify and classify wastes that result from human activity
3. Describe alternative methods of disposal, and identify possible advantages and disadvantages of each.
4. Distinguish between wastes that are readily biodegradable and those that are not.
5. Compare different kinds of packaging, and infer the relative advantages and disadvantages of that packaging. In evaluating different forms of packaging, students should demonstrate the ability to consider a consumer perspective as well as an environmental perspective.
9. Identify ways in which materials can be reused or recycled, including examples of things that the student has done.

ICT outcomes:
C1 -
Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies.
access and retrieve appropriate information from electronic sources for a specific inquiry
process information from more than one source to retell what has been discovered
access and retrieve appropriate information from the Internet by using a specific search path or from given uniform resource locations (URLs)

C5 - Students will use technology to aid collaboration during inquiry
share information collected from electronic sources to add to a group task

Brief rationale: This is an example of good technology integration because the material covered online is relevant and it shows the students some of the options they are given on the internet. In this activity alone they were able to watch videos and do interactive games on the same subject.

Learn Alberta, National Geographic Science Centre, Retrieved Sept 26, 2007 from
Oracle ThinkQuest Education Foundation, Retrieved Sept 26, 2007
Oracle ThinkQuest Education Foundation, Retrieved Sept 26, 2007

Friday, September 21, 2007

Technology Intergration: The Good, the Bad and the Barriers

What is good technology integration and bad technology integration?
Let us explore the good first. If we consider the 'Linking Technology' article, we see that William (the teacher) was really passionate about teaching his students ecology. He and his students would explore the rich diversity of the grounds surrounding the school. That was great, but he wanted to help his students acquire a greater understanding of the subject and it was with the help of Karen, the school's educational technologist, that he realized his goal. He was able to enlarge the amount of resources available to the students through use of the Internet. In their weekly computer class, for example, the students would work to search for online science references and explore ecology simulations.
Bad technology integration would be the use of technology just for the sake of using it. If the lesson becomes too complicated or for example, you end up reading a PowerPoint presentation word for word, you'd be better off distributing a handout.
One of the biggest barriers to technology integration in the classroom is funding. If a school doesn't have a lot of money, chances are they're not going to be able to afford a smart board. Another barrier is the lack of experience a lot of the older teachers have in regards to technology. It evolves very quickly and can be very difficult to keep up with. It would be wonderful if every school could employ an educational technologist, but that is just not the case.

Friday, September 7, 2007

My first blog

Hello, my name is Jordan and welcome to my blog. I was born and raised in Airdrie, AB (right next to Calgary) and I am the second oldest of 5 children. Growing up, I enjoyed a wide variety of activities, many of which included a certain level of mischief. I am presently in the process of becoming a teacher and I am looking very forward to the challenges that lay ahead of me! What can I say about myself that would help all of you get to know me better......hmmm...let me think. I enjoy physical activity of all sorts, in particular soccer and climbing, I play the guitar, I enjoy camping, spending time with friends and family, mini-golf, plane rides, reading, sunshiny days, board games, music, cheese, wine, bread, slurpees, poutine, Jeopardy, word puzzles, concerts, road trips, obstacle courses, trying to walk on my hands, diving boards and I also enjoy entertaining the idea that I am indeed a ninja. Yup, I believe that about sums me up.

I have to admit that I was a bit skeptical about using blogs as an effective educational tool. That was due completely to my inexperience with blogging. I would always hear people talking about their blogs or get a link sent to me which always struck me as being a bit weird because I assumed that blogs were just some sort of journal or diary. I didn't want to feel as if I was snooping through someones private thoughts. As I read through the websites on blogging and discovered the many educational possibilities, it became clear to me that not only is blogging an effective tool, but it is also becoming very necessary in the classrom. It makes relaying information to students a lot easier and is a lot more convenient than trying to reach people through other avenues. It is a great record keeping tool, and it provides students who are less likely to participate in classroom discussion or activities a comfortable and pressure free way to communicate. There are obviously privacy concerns as there is with any program that is used online, but that is another opportunity to help students learn about responsibility.